While the state of Texas is trying to recover from the devastating flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey (which was the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12-year drought.) Florida residents and others along the eastern seaboard are preparing for Hurricane Irma that has already hit the Caribbean. It is Important for Pet Owners to prepare a disaster plan for the whole family!
September is National Preparedness Month and thanks to Pet Sitters International (PSI) we can offer you the following tips. So that you and your whole family can be prepared for disaster and remember that “No Pets left Behind!” is the best way of preventing potential injury and death to your pets in an event of a disaster.
“Creating a disaster plan is an important step that people should take to prepare for an emergency situation, but pet owners need to make sure that they take their pets into account,” – Patti J. Moran, PSI president and founder.
Top 3 Tips offered by PSI for creating a pet-friendly disaster plan:
Find a safe place for pets to go. Many disaster shelters cannot accept pets because of state health and safety regulations and other considerations. Research local community resources to see which shelters may allow pets, or find pet-friendly hotel options on your evacuation route. Consult with professionals, such as a veterinarian or professional pet sitter, or out-of-town family and friends to identify a safe place for pets in the event of a disaster. Have this information handy should a pet owner need to evacuate on short notice.
Assemble a portable pet disaster supplies kit. Whether a disaster keeps you from your home for days or weeks, pet owners will need essential supplies to care for pets. Keep items such as crates, food and water bowls, collars, leashes, a photo of with your pets, and important veterinary and vaccination records in a sturdy, waterproof storage container that can be carried easily. Make sure that each pet crate is marked with the pet’s name, the owner’s name and contact information.
Identify a backup pet caretaker. Identify an alternate caretaker, such as a professional pet sitter or a neighbor, who can care for pets if disaster strikes when an owner is away from home or if unforeseen circumstances prevent an owner from returning home to rescue pets. Make sure the selected person is aware of the disaster plan and can easily locate your pets and pet disaster supplies kit in a home. Put this plan in writing as the caretaker may need to show proof of an owner’s permission to access their home in an absence. Include written permission to get emergency veterinary treatment for the pets in an owner’s absence. And if a pet has a favorite hiding place that it seeks when it is scared or upset, be sure the caretaker has that information. If an owner is using the services of a professional pet sitter, also be sure to inquire about his or her company’s disaster plan.
Additionally FEMA‘s website warns that pet owners should ID their pets, which would be critical importance if an owner were to be separated from their pets. Please make sure the Pet’s tags and up-to-date and securely fastened to their collars. If at all possible, add the address and phone number of the owners evacuation site. Owners should also consider micro-chipping their pets to further help with recovery efforts.

Hurricane Irma Live Updates:
i. Below are some links to reliable sources with the latest updates available on Hurricane Irma.
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